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9 June 2021
Digitisation, Cultural Heritage and Smart Tourism Infoday and Matchmaking Event

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Digitisation, Cultural Heritage and Smart Tourism Infoday and Matchmaking Event


We have experienced an unexpected high demand for this event and reached the limits initially set for number of participants. Unfortunately, we are not able to activate upcoming registrations. However, we keep registration option open to reach out to those who are interested in the event and provide to them the recordings and information material of the sessions. 

Thank you very much for your understanding.


The event is jointly organized by S3 Pilot Action on Virtual and Smart Cultural Tourism (S3 VSCT Pilot), Time Machine Organisation (TMO) and  ERRIN, supported by Thuringia Region and sponsored by the Digital Agency Thuringia, System Alliance Europe and Cretschmar Cargo on 9th of June from 9:30 to 20:00 (CET).

What to expect?

This information and matchmaking event targets upcoming European funding opportunities for digitisation, cultural heritage and smart tourism projects. The goal is to help participants to get prepared for the calls for proposals offered throughout a wide range of European funding schemes: Horizon Europe, European Innovation Council (EIC), Single Market Programme-COSME, and Interregional innovation investments (I3-instrument).

How does it work?

The event is divided into 2 sessions: 

  1. Information session, 9:30 - 13:45 CET: with speakers from the European Commission introducing different funding opportunities within the various EU-funding schemes. 
  2. Matchmaking session, 13:45 -20:00 CET: Participants can arrange one-to-one meetings amongst themselves to discuss cooperation possibilities and find potential partners for future consortia. 

See the agenda and the Draft Work Programme of Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society available through Register of Commission Expert Groups in the resources section for more details. The draft calls for proposals listed for the matchmaking session are adopted from this draft version. 

Who should join? 

European actors from within the wide scope of digitisation of cultural heritage and smart tourism:

  • Researchers, experts and innovators from different disciplines
  • Public-regional authorities
  • Cultural institutions, GLAM sector and NGOs
  • Industry and SMEs 

Take this opportunity to connect with potential partners for your project and strengthen your consortium by signing up now! 


    Closed since 9 June 2021
    Organised by
    Italy 66
    Türkiye 53
    Belgium 48
    Spain 46
    United Kingdom 41
    Germany 30
    Finland 25
    Norway 25
    Netherlands 16
    Austria 14
    Portugal 14
    Greece 14
    France 12
    Bulgaria 10
    Sweden 8
    Romania 8
    Croatia 7
    Hungary 7
    Estonia 7
    Israel 6
    Cyprus 6
    Ireland 5
    Serbia 5
    Poland 4
    Czech Republic 3
    Denmark 3
    Switzerland 3
    Slovakia 3
    Lithuania 2
    United States 2
    Ukraine 1
    India 1
    Latvia 1
    Lebanon 1
    Slovenia 1
    Barbados 1
    Total 499